There are Users, and there are Members…

There are Users, and there are Members… In BrisLETS, there has long been an assumption that opening an account on CES to trade and joining BrisLETS are one and the same thing. But are they really? And should they be? What if they were quite distinct? What if anyone...


We’ve discussed the joining fee & application process before in various places … I even suggested we need a recommendation process before, too, to screen out vagrants. Here are some musing on the joining process that BrisLETS could consider at some...

NENA New Economy Network Australia & BrisLETS

For some time now NENA has been developing and now is forming a non-distributing (whatever that is) Cooperative (Limited), registered in Victoria. What, if any, synchronicity is there between NENA and LETS/CES? Their draft Constitution Rule 1.3 Purpose and Mission...
Imagine If

Imagine If

Imagine, if you could go down to the local cafe and buy a coffee & salad with units.  The cafe owner sources her coffee beans from a trader in FNQ and a local market gardener in a neighboring suburb supplies the salad greens all paid with Units.  The owner is a...
Setting the cat among the pigeons:

Setting the cat among the pigeons:

Further thoughts about the unsustainability of the current model of BrisLETS, ahead of the July 2018 AGM Every member of the BrisLETS organisation has joined because they wanted to trade their goods and/or services without actually spending hard cash. It’s a lovely...