In the next couple of weeks BrisLETS will be moving to the new Australian version of the CES. This was decided at the last committee meeting after emails back and forth between Annette Louden and the BrisLETS committee to clarify our understanding of the change.

Tim Jenkin (CES guru extraordinaire) has been working on an Australian version of the Community Exchange System – our online trading software.

Why is an Australian version of the Community Exchange System being set up?

The CES is growing fast
Up until now 409 trading groups have all been running from the same server. More and more groups sign up to use CES every year, so Tim decided it was time to set up a new sever. Australia has 85 groups signed up to the CES, so it made sense to start with us.

Sharing the knowledge & responsibility
At the moment all CES admin and maintenance falls on Tim. By training up an Australian CES team Tim will have some support, and the system will no longer be reliant on a single programmer. Tim will still be the head honcho, but the Australian team will be able to take care of the basics for Australian groups.

When we are transferred, our details will be taken off the global CES system. As the Australian groups migrate over, we will be able to trade with them again. Once all Australian groups are migrated over, Tim and Annette will work on restoring access to the global CES for Australian groups.
