BrisLETS trading days are picking up momentum it seems. The June event was busy and fast-paced with about 30 people joining in, and lots of trading and discussion. Our theme was Plants and Produce, and the hall was a picture of abundance.

Two very high quality short presentations had the audience leaning forward and taking notes. George demonstrated a simple effective way to start a vegetable garden, with specific practical hints for Brisbane conditions and easy shortcuts to avoid common pitfalls. Anne’s demo on how to start a worm farm was compelling because she generously shared easy instructions for a couple of tried and true methods from her own backyard.

What made these projects seem so doable was the personal experience and compatibility with local lifestyles.

Afterwards LETS admin discussions continued in the lounge preparing for the AGM next month.

In addition there were other fruitful meetings underway around the hall as members chatted, exchanged ideas and helped each other. Did you see Rachael’s new posters to advertise members’ services? If you weren’t able to attend the monthly event this time, sorry you missed out on the bountiful fruit, veg, flowers and honey, pot plants and cuttings, also tables of other fabulous items all selling with no money involved

by Alison Bird BLCE0022
