At the September trading day, Alison Bird and Rachael Kelly gave a workshop, LETS Skills Lab. About 18 people joined in, and they were given instructions:

  1. Think of goods and services you can offer to the community exchange.

  2. Think of a project where you’re stuck, maybe at work or at home. What skills and resources do you need to accomplish your project?

We took turns around the circle to describe our unfinished projects and identify the obstacles. Then the group brainstormed for solutions to problems.

This interesting process resulted in participants discovering a wealth of skills and resources exists all around them in the community. People also realised we ourselves have many more talents and possibilities than we usually tap into. Some concluding thoughts:

  • After sharing around the circle, log into CES and post your Offerings and Wants. Now.

  • If you use services in the $ economy, invite the tradesperson to join LETS. Volunteer to be their first customer.

  • Keep in mind a working bee is a really effective option for getting a big job done.

  • Promote your services using beautiful posters designed by Rachael Kelly TBCE0271.

  • After this workshop, some real action resulted with members already helping to tackle each other’s “stuck” projects. For example, read Elizabeth Shaw’s story about a couple of members moving landfill in Kenmore.

Alison Bird
