BrisLETS September Trading day was held on the 17th at Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Road, Windsor from 1pm to 4pm.

It was great to catch up with members and see the energy of the new committee at the Peace Centre.
Anne was kept busy doing some sewing for Adrian, and shared how successful the repair cafe they are involved with has been.  For anyone interested in getting jewellery repaired, there is an excellent jeweler at the repair cafe who has capacity for more work – connect with Anne for more information.
Jessica had jams some fresh produce with some samples of her uniquely created works from recycled materials, e.g. Animal Feedbags become carry bags.
Helen had a variety of items including clothing, jewellery, crockery, electrical items and nick-knacks.  It made Jessie’s day finding a gorgeous ring ! Kelly found a wonderful shirt and cooking materials and Adrian found an amazing handmade ceramic scent jar.
Kelly brought along her oracle decks and gave several in-depth readings for a very low cost.
It was great to see new members and members we haven’t seen for a while.  Part of the beauty of BrisLETS Trading Days is catching up, face to face, with other members to get to know each other, or that have become friends over the years.
Members brought along a plate with cake and biscuits which many of us enjoyed, some with a fresh made cuppa.  We all enjoyed being in the bright new kitchen.
Kelly showed Dianne through the duties of the Trading Day Coordinator which includes Opening, Setting up and Closing the Centre.  Dianne will be carrying out these duties in future.
