17/06/2024 | Event, Previous Events, Trading day
BLCE0018 Jessica will be having a working bee again at her place on the Northside, at Morayfield. Jessica has a list of jobs needing doing or you can contact Jessica and suggest what you might be interested in doing. Bring a plate to share, your trading goodies, table...
03/06/2024 | Event, Previous Events, Trading day
Member BLCE0140 Paul Wildman was instrumental behind the scenes, in supporting Jill Jordan (RIP) introduce LETS to Australia before joining BrisLETS. Paul has a wide variety of interests, especially in the areas of self sustainablilty and the current world situation....
28/04/2024 | News, Previous Events, Trading day
Long term member BLCE0207 Kris Brittain in Sunnybank will host our May Trading Day! The newsletter will have all the details in it – it goes out the 2nd Sunday. Or you can contact Kris through the CES. Update your offers and wants by the first Sunday through the...
11/04/2024 | Event, Previous Events
1 Bage Street (via Primrose Lane), Nundah, QLD, 4012 Looking forward to having the Trading day at the Nundah Library as not been there before. For those going by train and need a lift, please email president@brislets.com or contact BLCE1422....
06/03/2024 | Event, Previous Events
Please come join us on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 17th March 1-4pm at the Albion Peace Hall, 102 MacDonald Road, Albion, under the overpass. Bring things to trade – talk to other members on the Facebook groups (Members Forum and the public BrisLETS Offers and...
01/08/2022 | Previous Events
BrisLETS traditionally supports BOGI (Brisbane Organic Growers Inc) Fair, holding a stall to advertise BrisLETS, and donating something to the Raffle BOGI holds to raise $ funds. Members typically bring in garden relating items for sale on the stall, and volunteer on...